As our culture continues to feed false hopes and truths to families all over the world, the need for biblical help and hope found in Christ is needed now, more than ever. But families can’t do this alone. God has called us to provide biblical guidance and practical resources to empower them. And we need followers of Christ, like you, to be a part of this mission.
As our culture continues to feed false hopes and truths to families all over the world, the need for biblical help and hope found in Christ is needed now, more than ever. But families can’t do this alone. God has called us to provide biblical guidance and practical resources to empower them. And we need followers of Christ, like you, to be a part of this mission.

For over 45 years, FamilyLife’s mission is to effectively develop godly marriages and families who change the world one home at a time. We believe families and marriages, with God at their core, change their corner of the world.

For over 45 years, FamilyLife’s mission is to effectively develop godly marriages and families who change the world one home at a time. We believe families and marriages, with God at their core, change their corner of the world.
Would you like to help change the world? Together we can, one home at a time.
Dr. Bill Bright, the founder of Cru, said: "If you reach the family, you reach the world."
Family is a universal language and we are positioned as a unique ministry model to reach this generation. We present the gospel along with teaching godly principles for living through the Weekend to Remember, Art of Marriage, Art of Parenting, FamilyLife Today radio, FamilyLife Blended, small group studies, along with so many other products.
Bev and I have always been passionate about family from the time we were just starting our own, way back when, to now. But our cause is not just the family. We are fighting for God's truth.
Psalm 11:3 says: "... if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?" The Christian family is that foundation and it is being attacked by today's culture.
In this struggle, we strive to uphold all that God proclaims as good and right for marriage and the family. We have a battle plan. It's called the Bible. So rest assured, when you join us, you're fighting for the right cause.