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Bringing Hope and Help to Others

FamilyLife is dedicated to strengthening marriages and families through biblical resources, radio, and events. What started as marriage and family training for Cru staff members grew into an international ministry with more than 3 million people attending events, 1.6 million weekly radio listeners, and distribution of resources in more than 100 countries. 


Yet, there is still much to be done. Families are facing more challenges than ever before. At FamilyLife, we believe changing the world starts one home at a time. In order for FamilyLife to reach every family, we need to position and mobilize our resources and people for maximum effectiveness.


Join us as we bring hope and encouragement to families for future generations. By partnering with us, you allow us to serve on a full-time basis. We rely solely on donations for our ministry and living expenses. We are not paid by FamilyLife.

As a partner:

  • We will be helping families grow together and impact their corner of the world.

  • We will send you our monthly newsletter with tips to keep your marriage strong and how to help others.

  • We will pray for you on a regular basis.

  • We will give you discounts on FamilyLife resources.

  • We will send you a discount for any Weekend to Remember event in the U.S.  If you can't attend, you may transfer it to a friend or family member.

  • We can help and train you to start a small group or event at church or in your home.

  • You send in your one-time or monthly (could be another frequency) financial gift to help us with our ministry and living expenses.

  • You pray for us on a regular basis.

Cru (FamilyLife's parent company) is a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability

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